YouTube video of David White inseaming
- Thornapple River Boots inseaming stand
- has nails driven through the welt into the outsole and insole
- pokes from the outside in
- curved needles
- welt continues around the heel, 360°
- pulls with pliers when needed
- pulls nails as he gets close to them
- saddle stitching
- no pre-pierced holes
- gets thread caught on a nail
- lots of things to get threads caught up on
- keep draped over legs to outside
- needles between index and second fingers
- around toe:
- keep quarter-inch spacing
- holes inside start getting closer and closer
- can easily rip through holdfast
- hemp seaming twine to reinforce
- put into loop on inside, pull it taught
- keep looping consistent from stitch to stitch
- also around the heel