book-length catalog of USMC shoe tools
reprints available from Sorrell Notions and Findings
- “rustless steel” 5
- TODO What is SZG 13? 9
- “the tip” 9
- “between substance” 9
- TODO Lasting Hammer 11
- “Crispin Shoe Hammer” 11
- cement cans: explosive failsafes 19
- square-point knives most popular 42
- 4 sizes of curved lip knives
- rand knife, S-curved 47
- Cloth-Cutting Blades: Swedish, German, French 52
- brass-bound handles for cloth-cutting blades 53
- scissors: ring handles, shears: straight or offset handles 54
- soak new sharpening stones in oil for days 64
- run sharpening wheels full speed for 1 minute to test safety 65
- “shank lasters” [bulldog pliers] 86
- for men’s heavy boots
- Union Lasting Pincers lower handle has tack puller 87
- interchangeable hammers
- Repco awl file 93
- hand sewing bristles “Dower” style
- “strip awl” and “welt awl” look like edge bevelers 104
- awls: pegging, sewing, moccasin, stabbingh
- “scrap hatchet” 110
- “clicking hatchet” 110
- “Naumkeaging the shank” 110