Austin, Texas, USA-based lastmaker and maker of bespoke cowboy boots, Chelsea boots, and jodhpur boots
owner of Texas Traditions
trained under Charlie Dunn
Adopted a signature folded tulip motif. Source: Interview.
Insoles as of 2024-03-27:
- forepart
- feathered stairstep-style
- gouged at an angle
- inside edge of holdfast slightly turned up
- waist
- edges of insole slightly beveled in the same width as the forepart feather
- no channels
- heel seat
- channel gouged at an angle
- no feathering of the edge
With the counter area being channeled do you run the awl through that channel, the hard counter and the counter cover when inseaming?
Yes, I whipstitch the vamp in the shank area and then sew the heel seat…this channel in the insole in the heel area is where my stitches lay. You don’t need to channel the insole in the heel area but it is nicer outcome when you do.