category of horse riding boot, most often pull-ons
Toe Shapes
Western boots are very often sold in a variety of toes shapes.
- Square: Narrow, Medium, and Wide; often with a wider welt and two rows of stitching
- Round: Narrow, Medium, and Wide
- Roper (very round)
- Snip
- “French”
- Needle
Western boot manufacturers often use their number-letter codes for various toe shapes in their catalogs.
Shaft Heights
Shaft heights, measured from the heel seat up, range from short booties just above the ankle to “buckaroo” boots of 14 inches or more. Shafts even taller, above 16”, are often called “tall tops”.
Total heights, with heels up to 2½ inches, can approach 20 inches.
Entries Linking Here
- 🏭Acme Boot Company🇺🇸🪦
- 🧑Alan Bell🇺🇸
- 🧑Alvaro Rivera🇺🇸
- Bell
- Bell Line
- 🎞️Bespoke Cowboy Boots with Lee Miller
- 🛠️Boot Jack
- 🧩Boot Tops
- 🏭Boulet🇨🇦
- Box Toe Shape
- 🏭Burns Boots🇺🇸
- 🧑Carl Chappel🇺🇸🪦
- 🧑Chad Little🇺🇸
- 🧑Charlie Dunn🇺🇸🪦
- 🧑Chase DeForest🇺🇸
- 🎞️CopperyFoil Crimping a Vamp
- Cording
- 🧑Cosimo Lucchese🇺🇸🪦
- Cowboy Boot Makers Association
- 📖Cowboy Boots: The Art & Sole
- Custom Cowboy Boots and Shoes Forum🪦
- 🧑Dave Wheeler🇺🇸
- 🎞️Dennis Kieback First Cowboy Boots Video
- 🧑D.W. Frommer II🇺🇸🪦
- 🎞️Eradawn Welting Video
- 🧑Eugene Pik🇨🇳
- 🎞️Eugene Pik Cowboy Boots Series
- 🎞️Eugene Pik Making Cowboy Boots Series
- Fancy Stitching
- 🪡Fender Stitching
- Fiebing’s 228 Bottom Stain
- 🧑Greg Carmack🇺🇸
- 🧩Heel Slide
- 🧑Holly Henry🇺🇸
- 🎞️How to Add Cording to Cowboy Boot Tops
- Hybrid Construction
- 🏭Hyer🇺🇸
- 📋Inlay
- 🧑James Leddy🇺🇸
- 🏭James Leddy Boots🇺🇸
- 🧑Jay Griffith🇺🇸🪦
- 🧑Jim Brainard🇺🇸
- 🧑John Allen Woodward🇺🇸
- 🧑Jorge Amaro🇺🇸
- 🧑Jose Sanchez🇺🇸
- 🏭Justin Boots🇺🇸
- 🏭Kimmel Boot Company🇺🇸
- 🏭L. White Boot Company🇺🇸🪦
- 🏭La Botte Gardiane🇫🇷
- 🧑Lee Miller🇺🇸
- Legend Posing As History
- 🧑Lisa Sorrell🇺🇸
- 🎞️Lisa Sorrell Applying Beading
- 🎞️Lisa Sorrell Making Beading
- 🎞️Lisa Sorrell Shoemaking Tools Crimp Break
- Logger Heel
- 🏭Lucchese🇺🇸
- 🧑Mark Fletcher🇺🇸
- 🧑Michael Anthony🇺🇸
- 🧑Michael DeWitt🇺🇸
- 🏭M.L. Leddy’s🇺🇸
- Nail Shank
- 🏭Nocona Boots🇺🇸
- The Official Boot Making Forum
- 🏭Olathe Boot Company🇺🇸
- Outseam Fractions
- Packer Boots
- 🧑Paul Krause🇺🇸
- Pull Tab
- 🧑R.A. Dorwart🇺🇸
- 🧑Randy Merrell🇺🇸
- Riding Heel
- 🏭Rios of Mercedes🇺🇸
- 🧑Roberto Melendez🇺🇸
- 🏭Rocketbuster Boots🇺🇸
- 🏭Rod Patrick Bootmakers🇺🇸
- 🎞️Rod Patrick Sizing Presentation
- Roper Heel
- 🧩Saddle Vamp
- 🧑Salvatore Lucchese🇺🇸🪦
- 🧑Sarah Guerin
- Scallop
- Seam Piping
- 📏Short Heel
- 👞Slip-On
- Spur Piece
- State Boots
- 🧑Steve Christo🇺🇸
- 🏭Stewart Boot🇺🇸🪦
- Stovepipe Boots
- 🧑Tex Robin🇺🇸
- 🏫Texas State Technical Institute🇺🇸🪦
- 🏭Texas Traditions🇺🇸
Texas Traditions 315 Last Post
- 🏭Thiele Tanning Co.🇺🇸
- 🪡Toe Bug
- Tony Lama Boots
- Top Turner
- 📋Top Turning
- Triad Style
- 🧑Tyler Beard🇺🇸
- Urban Cowboy
- 🧑Victor Borg🇺🇸
- Walking Heel
- 🧩Welt
- 🏭Wheeler Boots🇺🇸🪦
- 🪡Whip Stitch
- Wood Pegs
- 🪡Wrinkle