a family of constructions in which the edge of the insole is left full thickness, without feathering, and the inseam passes through a rib, out the edge of the insole, and through the upper, emerging on the outside where half the seam becomes a visible feature of the shoe, often running closely to one or more outseams beneath it
In simplest form, the upper is then turned out below the inseam and stitched down, similar to stitchdown construction. In variations, the inseam attaches a welt outside the upper, which can be turned out with the upper, similar to welted stitchdown construction, or used as the only attachment point to the bottom, like typical welted construction.
Norwegian-construction shoes often use some form of stitch in stitch to decorate the exposed inseam on the outside of the shoe.
- Crazy About Shoes Inseaming a Pair