lowermost layer of a stacked heel, making contact with the ground during wear
The term “top lift” may arise from the fact that when building heels on a lasting jack or cobbler anvil, the bottom-most part of the heel sits on top with the shoe inverted.
Entries Linking Here
- 🎞️Andi’s Workshop Ladies' Boots Video
- Decorative Nails
- 🎞️Gentleman’s Gazette Amara Hark Weber Series
- 📋Heel Building
- Heel Nails
- Heel Plates
- 🛠️Heel Pry
- Heel Savers
- 🧩Heel Stack
- Heel Tip
- 🎞️Kirby Allison Interview with Casey and McCormack
- Lugs
- 📋Reheeling
- Rubber Suppliers
- Shoe Repair Toolkit
- 🎞️Songlim Tylorean Video
- 📋Spanking
- Unit Heel
- Washer Heel